
This page is dedicated to the various sources from which I gather stuff for this blog.

I know that it might seem like I am stealing stuff from the original Disney sites, however I wish to make this information accessible to English speakers and require the original Japanese in order to do so. I also, sadly, do not have access to TDR as I now live in the UK. Wherever possible I will use my own photos. If they are not mine, I will credit accordingly:

Disney Font on my banner is taken from Mickey Avenue.
 Many of my Disneyland photo's are taken from the TDR Official Site.
My newsletters are also sent from the Disney site
All of the adorable cartoon-style graphics that appear on my posts are taken from my Disney Mobile that I had during my stay in Japan. Please DO NOT steal these as I value them greatly, and even paid for many of them in cold, hard Japanese yen!! I know it's a lot to ask, but if you can't resist, at least keep them in a private collection, and don't use them on your blogs.